The Elf on the Shelf Day 1

Our family was in the living room, talking about some things. All of a sudden my oldest son’s eyes opened wide and he exclaimed, “We have an ELF!” After some excitement faded for all three boys, we were quick on the task of coming up with a name for our Elf on the Shelf. My older two boys were eagerly contemplating what mischief this elf would get into. I told them that if this elf makes too much of a mess or gets into too much trouble I would have to write to Santa that this elf would not work out for us. We either would have no elf or he should assign a different one for us.

Shortly after spying our elf, we all sat down on the floor in the living room. I read through the Elf on the Shelf book that our elf brought with him. All of our family was on the same page knowing the rules and more specifics of this visitor.

Deciding on a name for our Elf on the Shelf

Being familiar with the rules of a scout elf, the older boys wanted to decide on a name for our new visitor. Below you can find the suggestions for names:


After getting an extensive list, they narrowed their choices down to Scout and Noel. The final decision was to name our elf Scout, the Scout elf. Naming our elf ensured him to have Christmas magic. He was officially able to go to and from the North Pole and report to Santa. My two oldest kids were so thrilled. My youngest fed off of their excitement.

“…then hear from heaven where you live, and grant what they ask of you. In this way, all the people of the earth will come to know and fear you, just as your own people Israel do. They, too, will know that this Temple I have built honors your name.” (1 Kings 8:43, NLT)

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