Kalmia Mom

Thank you for visiting Kalmia Mom! This site was created to share information and experiences on the following:

  • Meal ideas for picky eaters
  • Outdoor Adventures with some information on nature
  • Creative Kid Space with children’s book recommendations, theme birthday parties, seasonal activities and children’s crafts
  • Hobbies, including book reviews, writings of my own and knitting projects


Out of three boys I have one kiddo that is a picky eater, one that will try almost anything and one that is somewhere in between the first two. Making meals takes effort and time, so I like to put that effort and time to good use and serve food that my whole family can enjoy. Find some practical tips on what to serve picky eaters.


We love to be out in nature and experience God’s creation. See where we have explored and what we have found.


This is where you will find practical tips on kid craft ideas, children’s book suggestions and theme party ideas.


I found that having some hobbies is beneficial in life to refresh, experience a new skill or to do an activity with others. I enjoy knitting, hiking/exploring, reading, writing and more. Here are some practical tips on hobbies I enjoy.

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