On December 4th my two older kiddos woke up and went in search for Scout. After not too much looking they found him perched on top of the printer in the office area. With him was a note for the boys. Along with the note was a container filled with sweet-smelling star-shaped cookies. In his note to them, Scout thanked my kiddos for the yummy cookies they left for him. After the not-so-appetizing dog biscuits from the previous day, Scout appreciated the real ones. They were much more suited to his tastes. He also specifically thanked my middle son for leaving the napkin. Also, he thanked my son for trying to clean off all of the crumbs from his outfit. Scout explained he does not care for messes on his clothing. He likes to stay neat and clean when possible.
In addition to the note, Scout brought a treat for our whole family. He had with him a box of chocolate covered star-shaped cookies. Scout said those are some of his favorite cookies. He wanted to share with our family. The boys were so excited about this treat. In the morning they usually must have breakfast first. There is a general rule that chocolate is not a suitable breakfast. I let them each eat 3 of the star-shaped cookies. This was a special treat, so I allowed the exception. They determined that Scout had actually made those cookies himself.
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” (James 1:17, NLT)