“Hope Unfolding,” My review on the book by Becky Thompson

“Hope Unfolding” by Becky Thompson


WaterBrook Press, 2016

ISBN: 9781601428127

Overview of “Hope Unfolding”

“Hope Unfolding,” by Becky Thompson, is an inspiring book written to Moms. It helps moms to know they are not alone in their every day struggles. Also, to have hope in God and to know their worth is in who God says they are. Becky Thompson lives in Oklahoma, is the mother of 3 kids and wife of a volunteer firefighter, town mayor and welder. Her life was not turning out how she imagined it should. Instead, she was living out God’s plan for her life, which was the better plan.

God has a plan for our lives, who we are in him. Becky Thompson writes, …”beyond having hope that tomorrow could be different, we need to know that there is purpose in where we are standing today,” and, “We must become rooted in the Truth of who God is calling us to be by hearing and believing the Truth of who He says that we already are.” We have to trust in who He says we are.

It is important to recognize that, “No matter how overlooked or forgotten you believe you are what you are doing in this season of your life has significance…this time is not simply a waiting period until you get to whatever comes next…this season is a significant part of your story.” God can and does use us where we are, in all of life’s seasons and stages.

Hope Unfolding when life is tough

We all have troubles in life, and the Bible tells us that is part of life. We pray and ask God to meet us in our situation and help us in it. “Even if He does not…(do whatever it is to help what we are struggling with)…He is still worthy; He is still good…when I called God good, I found peace. Because the truth is, He is good. Even when bad things happen, God is still good.” Becky Thompson points the reader to hope in God and in His goodness.

Loneliness in Motherhood

Becky Thompson empathizes with moms who feel lonely in the middle of their busy lives. “…surrounded by dozens of people, I realized that true loneliness doesn’t only come from being by yourself. There is another type of being loneliness that comes from not being known. A loneliness that takes place when others see you, but they don’t see you.” “I was surrounded by the people who love me the most…and…I felt all alone.”

Giving ourselves grace

Becky Thompson writes, “We have to stop thinking that anything less than perfect is failure. We have to choose grace for ourselves and our abilities. Because the minute we decide we’re going to stop being defined by what we don’t get done and instead take pride in what we are able to achieve, grace lets truth win and unnecessary shame gives way to hope.” The phrase, “…shame gives way to hope..” catches my attention. As a mom it is easy to compare aspects of my life to other moms. We are imperfect human beings. This is something that we have to remember, especially as moms. “We can easily fall victim to the lie that we aren’t good enough when we use another woman’s successes to measure our own.”

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

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