
Reading is very important to my family. When my husband and I were engaged we read books together. We read couples books on our own, taking notes as we went along. Such as, he read on his own and I read on my own. Then, we set a time to meet together and discuss the book, a few chapters at a time. For example, we shared our thoughts and compared notes from what we each had read. From the moment our children were born we read to them daily. All three of them enjoy reading or being read to. Of course they each have their favorite books. That is due not only to their age differences but also their individual interests.

My reading interests

For me, reading is not only another hobby but also a way to gather more information. It is gaining more knowledge. Reading is a way to connect with whatever or whoever I am reading about. I enjoy reading a variety of genres. Mostly, my favorites include autobiographies, biographies and nature writings. By nature writings I mean authors writing about an experience or experiences regarding the natural world. In addition, stories of people overcoming hardships, endurance and trusting in God peak my interests. If any of those genres or topics are appealing to you, check below for some of my favorites. I have written some short reviews of the books that I have read. If you enjoy any of the same genres, or want to try a something new, check any of the reviews out to find your next favorite read.

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