My Nana’s Stromboli – an easy comfort-food recipe

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My Nana’s Stromboli was a staple at Hollen reunions. Family reunions are a time to get together with relatives we might not see any other time throughout the year. To see families grow; to remember years and generations that have gone by. It is a time to eat food made with recipes to remember and pass along to the next generation.  My nana, Elsie (Hollen) Hays was the third youngest of 10 children in her family. Many of the family often attended the reunions. She notoriously took this easy comfort food, Stromboli.   

Family reunion

The Hollen family reunion was held in the same place for over 40 years and often hosted 50-80 people!! My family went to many of the reunions, and I have several fond memories of the relatives and the food.  People came from all across PA, and other states like Minnesota, Arizona, New York and more. Stromboli, spare ribs, peach pie and ‘Grandma’s’ gobs (whoopee pies) are some foods that stand out in my memory. 

For many years, my Nana made about ten to twelve stromboli to take to the reunion. I was able to help her make them. I slept over at Nana and Papa’s house the night before the reunion and we went to work putting this comfort food together. One year the family got many of the recipes together and made up a family recipe book.  Now that my Nana is no longer living I have her copy of that recipe book, complete with Nana’s Stromboli recipe. 

My family

My family enjoys Nana’s stromboli, which we often have a salad on the side.  I have tried to put this together and then freeze it, but the dough sticks to the wax paper, foil or parchment paper, so I have to find another way.  My next attempt would be to chill the completed ‘boli before wrapping, to make the dough less sticky, or to put more flour on the dough.  Some people put ham in Stromboli or add mustard.  Let me know if you made this and if you changed it at all.  I am grateful to have that recipe.  Are there any recipes that you can share that have been passed down for generations?


Roll out the dough

Pizza sauce

Hard salami

Provolone cheese


Oregano & Mozzarella

Roll up & bake


My nana’s easy comfort-food Stromboli

Recipe by Elsie (Hollen) HaysCourse: MainDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 1 ball frozen bread/pizza dough

  • 3-4 Tbsp. pizza sauce

  • 1/4 lb. hard salami

  • 1/4 lb. provolone

  • 30 slices pepperoni

  • Oregano or Italian seasoning

  • 1/4 c. grated mozzarella cheese


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    Thaw dough, prepare a baking sheet with a sheet of foil
  • Roll or pull out dough at least to the 8″ pie size
  • Spread light sauce on dough *NOT* near the edge, or it won’t close properly
  • Layer fillings in the following order: Salami; Provolone; Pepperoni; Oregano; Mozzarella
  • Roll up the Stromboli, keeping the filling in as well as you can, tuck in the ends then place on foil on baking sheet
  • Bake at 350 degrees until dough is brown, about 25-35 minutes

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2, NLT)

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