UNDAUNTED, My review on the book written by Christine Caine

Undaunted by Christine Caine

Daring to do what God calls you to do

Zondervan, 2012

ISBN: 978-0-310-33387-6

Overview of ‘Undaunted’

In the book, Undaunted, Christine Caine depicts how, when she put her whole trust in God, He is faithful to see the plan through. She was led to begin a program to help victims of human trafficking. Although they were told it would not succeed, she and her husband, Nick, followed God’s leading.


When she was an adult, Christine Caine found out that she and her brother were adopted.  Because of that, at one point in her life, she was just a number.  When her biological mother gave her up, the author was not wanted and did not have a name.  She was just identified as a number.  She stated, “Even though I only just found out that I was adopted, God has always known, and he has always loved me.  And since that has never changed, therefore nothing has essentially changed.  I may not be who I thought I was, but I still am who he says I am. And I am more. I am loved. I am his.”

Don’t Put Limits on What God has Planned

Christine Caine said, “If we allow other people to tell us what we are and are not qualified to do, we will limit what God wants to do with us.” Sometimes when God calls people to do His will, those people feel inadequate. Other times they allow other people to influence the direction they go in.  In turn, that prohibits those that are called to a purpose from completing that purpose.  For instance, someone they were to help does not get that assistance needed.

“We should be sensitive to the possibility, if we lack those gifts (music, speaking, maintenance, etc..), that God may be leading us in a different direction. But once we find that direction, we must not allow ourselves to be deterred. What is impossible with people is possible with God.”  She gives examples of Moses, Gideon and Jeremiah. God says in Isaiah 55:8 & 9, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD, “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”(NLT)

Becoming Undaunted

In Undaunted, Christine Caine shares of how she felt unwanted.  She shares how she overcame her own abuse. Also, she talks about her suffering of losing a child. Her trials allow her to connect with others that are suffering or to empathize with others’ hardships. Christine Caine and a friend visited Auschwitz, the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.  She saw evidence of torture and oppression and was moved emotionally. After her visit she felt God calling her to help the oppressed in the world around her.

Direction to Go

As a speaker, Christine Caine went to conferences.  She was on her way to Greece to speak at a Women’s Conference.  It so happened that, after the plane landed and the passengers got off the plane, there was a delay in getting their luggage.  During that delay she wandered around that part of the airport and saw posters of missing people.  She felt a strong attachment to helping the people oppressed, kidnapped, sold and abused. She realized that the horrific treatment of people at Auschwitz and throughout Nazi-controlled areas was not just of days past.  People-many of them young girls- are being oppressed, kidnapped, sold, abused, tortured and more right now due to human trafficking. 

She did not know where to begin. Eventually she realized that, “…when we give what we have, and don’t overthink it, God-the God of hope-delivers the rest.”  Her main point of the book is, “Don’t let Difficulty keep you from daring to go where God wants you to go.  God will make a way.” Don’t be daunted by the seemingly large task that God calls you to.  Be Undaunted. If He calls you, He will make a way.

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free..” (Luke 4:18, NLT)

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